Tackling the tough challenges of pandemic while still making strides to improve the county

Tackling the tough challenges of pandemic while still making strides to improve the county

2022-07-13T04:39:55-04:00September 17th, 2021|Invest:Insights, Invest:Insights Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Video|

Handling the challenges of the pandemic has been tough for the most established of leaderships, so the relatively new administration of Bucks County was truly put to the test from the offset of COVID. The commission, which prior to the pandemic were already making significant strides to make Bucks County more business friendly and attractive to investment, had to innovate and adapt their approach while still remaining true to their mission. In his conversation with Invest: Insights, Commissioner Bob Harvie noted that while the County is not out of the woods yet there is positive progress happening as schools in the state are planning re-openings for in person classes.


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